Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Denise & Eddie E-Session

By chance we scheduled Denise and Eddie's E-session on the first day of the Grundy county corn festival. What a fun time to be in Morris.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Fireworks in the park

Steve and Josie brought little Stephanie to the carnival in Shorewood last week. You just gotta love them pork chops on a stick.

They put on a pretty good fireworks show.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chicago air and water show

One of the highlights of my summer the past few years has been the Air and Water show at North Ave. beach in Chicago. It's awesome when an F-16 roars by at 650 mph then it blows your mind when you realize that he's running at half throttle. I'm thinking about renting a super telephoto lens next year for the show.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Noreen on the edge... I mean on the Ledge

What a great day to go to Willis Tower to see the "ledge" and then have brunch at the Taste. This is the first and last time you will hear me call the Sears Tower by any other name.

The ledge creeped me out but Noreen was fine. Noreen got ink done and I almost bought a statue of a crazy man holding a knife. They were handing out samples of rock star energy drink, I typically don't like energy drinks but I did go back for seconds.We were home in time to watch the last four innings of the Cub game. One of these days we won't act like old farts and stay for the fireworks... maybe next year.
I've got some expired boat flares that I can fire up in the yard.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Art Institute Modern Wing

The Art Institute of Chicago opened it's Modern Wing last week. This addition makes the Art Institute the second largest art museum in the country.
Yesterday, Paul and I took the train down to check it out.
The walkway provides more great views of the city and Millennium park.

All images were captured using my 14-24mm zoom lens (mostly 14mm).